Members may be aware of a document from NSW health currently doing the rounds on social media that recommends not playing wind instruments, some posters have made the statement that finally we have a definition…etc… however this is the same information and position that NSW health has taken since February this year and it’s not new at all although the document is only just released. Please bear in mind it is only a recommendation from them about wind instruments and is designed to cover a broad set of circumstances without any specific knowledge of individual requirements. The risk to our members has not elevated , nor has there been any fresh outbreaks in our local area. It is pleasing however, that several members have let me know they wouldn’t be at band because of a sniffle or not feeling 100% which shows our ability to be responsible and to ensure compliance to all the safety standards, as such our rehearsals can continue in safety and I thank you for your consideration.

musically speaking we continue to improve. It’s great to hear players reach new levels in their musical journey and to enjoy the effort it takes. Remember there are still resources available even if you are staying home at present. The recordings are available on the website to play along with or listen to and a copy of the score is also here for you to take a look at. I am available between 6pm and 7pm on band night if you wanted to drop in and go over anything as well.

as most would be aware by now the state contest is now an online event for this year and as such the committee and I will investigate the best options to record our performance. When we do commit this to video, I will also be filming for our own use as well so we have not only a record of your work but a performance we can share.

finally, may I suggest another method of practicing other than just working on the contest parts…. source solos, exercises and method books that demonstrate similar techniques and play through them, this way your mind stays fresh but you are also approaching your playing from a different perspective

