Bowral Tulip Festival
15th September 2024
Stage Time: 12:45-13:45

Gig Details

The Venue
Corbet Park Bowral
Click image for parking details
Arrival Information:
This year, we have a designated performers’ entrance on Merrigang Street. Please refer to the attached map for guidance.
Use this entrance to access Corbett Gardens. A sign will mark the gate and a Tulip Time team member or volunteer will greet you and direct you to the green room.
Groups larger than a duo:
Please arrive 30 minutes before your performance for set-up.
Marquee / Green Room:
A marquee will be available near the stage for storing bags, cases, or equipment. See the attached map for its location.
Set-Up Requirements:
If you have any special requirements (e.g. seating), please let us know as soon as possible.
For those arriving with family, please note that Tulip Time admission prices and terms apply.
No onsite parking is provided. For free all-day parking, the following options are available:
- Imperial Hotel CarparkEastern end of Merrigang Street past the roundabout.
- Left-hand side of the eastern end of Wingecarribee Street
- Station Street Car Parks (adjacent to the railway line)
- Kirkham Road (over the bridge, adjacent to the railway line)

Rotunda Corbet Park Bowral

Advisory Note
Stage time is 12:45-1:45, so please allow adequate time to:
- park your car and walk to the park
- set-up and tune with the band
Uniform: Full uniform (incl. Jackets) Consider layering under your shirt as cold windy weather is forecast.
Ensure you have the following:
- Instrument
- Music stand
- Playout Folder V5 or as noted at rehearsals
- Fluid & nourishment as desired
- Smiling face