Our dance band made a rusty restart which hopefully we can blow the cobwebs away with a few more runs on a fortnightly basis. If you wish to play or intend playing please let us know and we can provide access to the music online as it’s too much to ask Harold to bring it along each session.
It was great to see a very full line up for the concert band rehearsal which starts right on 7.30.
Tales of the sea…. This appears simple, but like all our pieces the devil is in the detail, balance is a big issue with this piece as the underlying chords are quite thick;y scored meaning we need to be very conscious of the melody.
There is no slowing down into the lament at 27 just a diminishing of volume
Bar 43 will be in 2 but bar 44 will be in 4 returning to 2 in bar 45
A slight acceleration will occur at 137 to help the piece end well
Oregon…. Left in Harold’s capable hands, but starting to sound good, the main issues highlighted are in the upper winds as we hit the faster tempos
Pacem… watch the ending, from the lento it will be beaten in quavers. The last two bars are slow so wait for the last pause to be directed before playing.