It’s always interesting to play in a different location and a different seating pattern as we found out last night. Our venue was quite small yet adequate to the task. Thanks again to Geoff for organising it for us.

It took us quite a few bars to even begin to discover our balance and address the issues a new room presents, the positive thing was to hear it happening without being guided, in other words we listened and responded!

Musically we are starting to drill into the Phantom of the opera a bit deeper and look at the details a bit closer. I was interested to sit over in the back row last night and listen to the sounds around me. Firstly can I stress the importance of key signatures…this might seem a silly comment but the composer of this musical and the arranger of this score both use some very close chords and unusual harmonies to create the desired effect, missing a single accidental can be disastrous to the overall sound. Secondly, there are a number of passages where there are quite subtle soft melodies played on single instruments or duets, supported by sustained notes etc, it is vital we leave room for he melody to shine through, particularly when those players are facing some intricate playing that requires technique rather than volume.

The new playlist will be up for April and please note it includes an updated Anzac folder. Please take the time to check you have the correct versions of anthems etc as we are trying to update to a better standard of music.

The band will be rehearsing over these school holidays commencing at 7.30 as usual but the other ensembles will be taking a break. Whilst on the subject of other ensembles, I would like to run the dance band again and a mixed ensemble next term but I will incorporate at the request of members some sectional workshops on music like phantom, 1st suite etc

Enjoy your Easter break and let’s hope for a fantastic term to follow
