Rehearsal Notes for 14/6/22

Please ensure you have access to all the music…. Concert band playlist will be put up in the last week of the month and available for download prior to the first rehearsal of the new month. Warm up series…. Warming up is critical in these winter months, not only for...

Rehearsal Notes for 7/6/22

I swear that the epitaph on my headstone will read…. Dies still waiting for pencil marks and dynamics! In all our pieces, dynamic changes need to be spontaneous and exaggerated, when it’s soft, make it extra soft, crescendos start softer and grow, diminuendos need to...

Rehearsal Notes for 31/5/22

A miserable night outside made for a warm and fun rehearsal. Pacem We are getting on top of this chart for sure, but the key lies in the dynamic changes – we tend to get too big, too fast and not allow room for some of the finer changes that need to come. Keep...

Rehearsal Notes for 17/5/22

Yet another strong session, starting with the Cos kid sight reading through a range of charts. Dance band, it’s coming together nicely and we hope to have some new charts for the next session. Concert band Pacem…. Is taking shape. The start I want to hold back the...

Rehearsal Notes for 3/5/22

Our dance band made a rusty restart which hopefully we can blow the cobwebs away with a few more runs on a fortnightly basis. If you wish to play or intend playing please let us know and we can provide access to the music online as it’s too much to ask Harold to bring...