


Band Snippets

Musical Growth

International Photo Success
from 2024 Concert


Want to see all of the photos from the performance?

To access library, click here!


Concert Video

    Click to see the fully edited video version of the
    2024 CCB Concert. Steps Through Time.

    Audience Lauded
    2024 Concert as a
    “Phenomenal Success”



    Members Urgent Notices

    The June Playlist was updated (30/05/24) and is available to download.
    Log in to the members section now, check you have the current playlist and if necessary, download to avoid disappointment.

    Gigs and Contact Detail Registrations

    If the e-mail confirmation of your registration is working, you should receive an email copy to the address you filled in on the registration form. Please let the webadmin know if you are having issues.
    Once you have submitted your registration from the registration page, you will also receive an on-screen thank you for registering.

    Ad Hoc Registrations

    Ensembles Registration is now available under:
    “Dance Band”.
    You need to register to access the music.

    Camden Community Band (CCB) is comprised of members of:

    • Concert Band
    • Community of Schools (COS) Band and
    • Parade Band


    Subsequently, Concert Band rehearsals are open to all financial members of these bands and in fact, all members are encouraged to attend rehearsals as a way of broadening their musical experience.

    Musicians without or with other band attachment(s) interested in rehearsing with any of the CCB bands are invited to contact the Musical Director to arrange a suitable date to attend.

    Share your thoughts

    Camden Council recognises that John Street is an important space for the Camden community, and the success of the project relies on input from residents, visitors, businesses and property owners in the Camden Town Centre. That is why we are committed to providing numerous opportunities for engagement as we progress.

    Throughout June 2024 we will be chatting with the community and reaching out to businesses, property owners and groups to ensure that we learn about current experiences and your aspirations for John Street.

    • Chat to us in person and collect a printed survey at Camden Library.
    • Participate online in the surveys, mapping and idea wall activities provided below.

    If you are passionate about the arts in Camden, Camden Council invite you to have your say.

    Click on the link below and complete the survey!

    John Street | Your Voice Camden (


    2024 Dawn Service Music Video

    2024 ANZAC Dawn Service


    CCB COS Band
    photo/recording promo

    Community of Schools Band
    Promotional Video

    Overcoming Weak Areas in
    Your Musical Performance.

    A Practice Guide

    Identifying and addressing weak areas in musical performance is essential for growth. Start by pinpointing specific challenges, whether it’s technical difficulties, rhythm issues, or interpretation nuances. Break down these challenges into manageable segments, focusing on one at a time.

    Consistent, focused practice is key. Dedicate regular time to work on your weak spots, incorporating them into your daily routine. Utilize practice techniques such as slow practice, rhythmic variations, and focused listening to target these areas effectively.

    Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from teachers, mentors, or resources like instructional videos or books. Their expertise can offer valuable insights and strategies tailored to your needs. Additionally, recording yourself allows for self-assessment and tracking progress over time.

    Maintain a positive mindset throughout the process. Embrace mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth, and celebrate small victories along the way. Visualize success and stay motivated by setting achievable goals.

    Lastly, be patient and persistent. Improvement takes time and dedication, but with consistent effort and a proactive approach to practice, you’ll gradually overcome your weak areas and become a stronger, more confident musician.

    Technical Skills Series

    Brief YouTube clips from MBM and presented by Murray Bishop.

    These simple to understand, informative and essential tutorials are a must for anyone wanting to improve their music.  Watch these short YouTube videos for magical results.